AI-driven 301 redirects

Relaunching a website with a new URL structure? Redirect your old URLs to new ones automatically.
Got "404 not found" errors? Fix them automatically by creating 301 redirects to existing pages.


Automated and easy to use

Forget manual matching! Match and redirect your old URLs automatically in 3 easy steps.

Designed for large websites

We can crawl and match 1000s of URLs quickly, saving you time and work.

Ecommerce / CMS support

Works great with Magento, Shopify, PrestaShop, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and others.

How it works

Simply enter the domain name of the website you want to create redirects for. We will crawl it in order to analyse its content.
Fixing 404 errors? Upload a list of error URLs.
Relaunching a website? Enter the domain name of your test/staging site.
Our AI-driven content analysis algorithm will automatically find the best matching pages on your new website and produce URL redirects in the format you choose.

Designed for Agencies and Freelancers alike

We help SEO professionals and developers save time.

Creating redirect maps manually is time-consuming. Especially on large projects, such as e-commerce and CMS websites.

We use machine learning to create 301 redirects for you automatically, so you can spend time on more interesting work.

Sign up for early access

Our beta program offers free early access to Get Redirects.